35. Broadband antireflective germanium surfaces based on subwavelength structures for photovoltaic cell applications
J. W. Leem, Y. M. Song, and J. S. Yu*
Opt. Express 19, 26308 (2011).
34. Six-fold hexagonal symmetric nanostructures with various periodic shapes on GaAs substrates for efficient antireflection and hydrophobic properties
J. W. Leem, Y. M. Song, and J. S. Yu*
Nanotechnology 22, 485304 (2011).
33. Broadband wide-angle antireflection enhancement in AZO/Si shell/core subwavelength grating structures with hydrophobic surface for Si-based solar cells
J. W. Leem, Y. M. Song, and J. S. Yu*
Opt. Express 19, A1155 (2011).
32. Highly tolerant a-Si distributed Bragg reflector fabricated by oblique angle deposition
S. J. Jang, Y. M. Song, C. I. Yeo, C. Y. Park, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Mater. Express 1, 451 (2011).
31. Wafer-scale broadband antireflective silicon fabricated by metal-assisted chemical etching using spin-coated Ag ink for solar cell applications
C. I. Yeo, Y. M. Song, S. J. Jang, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Express 19, A1109 (2011).
30. Broadband antireflective glasses with subwavelength structures using randomly distributed Ag nanoparticles
G. C. Park, Y. M. Song, J. H. Ha, and Y. T. Lee*
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 6152 (2011).
29. Influence of etching process parameters on the antireflection property of Si SWSs by thermally dewetted Ag and Ag/SiO2 nanopatterns
J. W. Leem, J. S. Yu, Y. M. Song, and Y. T. Lee*
Phy. Stat. Sol. A 208, 1902 (2011).
28. Multifunctional light escaping architecture inspired by compound eye surface structure: From understanding to experimental demonstration
Y. M. Song, G. C. Park, S. J. Jang, J. H. Ha, J. S. Yu, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Express 19, A157 (2011).
[Selected for Virtual Journal for biomedical Optics 6(4), 2011], [Introduced in Nature Photonics Research Highlights]
27. Antireflective property of thin film a-Si solar cell structures with graded refractive index structure
S. J. Jang, Y. M. Song, C. I. Yeo, C. Y. Park, J. S. Yu, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Express 19, A108 (2011).
26. Disordered antireflective subwavelength structures using Ag nanoparticles for GaN-based optical device applications
E. S. Choi, Y. M. Song, G. C. Park, and Y. T. Lee*
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11, 1342 (2011).
25. Antireflective characteristics of disordered GaAs subwavelength structures by thermally dewetted Au nanoparticles
J. W. Leem, J. S. Yu, Y. M. Song, and Y. T. Lee*
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 95, 669 (2011).
24. Thermal measurements and analysis of AlGaInP/GaInP MQW red LEDs with different chip sizes and substrate thicknesses
H. K. Lee, D. H. Lee. Y. M. Song, Y. T. Lee, and J. S. Yu*
Solid State Electron. 56, 79 (2011).
23. Antireflective properties of porous Si nanocolumnar structures with graded refractive index layers
S. J. Jang, Y. M. Song, J. S. Yu, C. I. Yeo, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Lett. 36, 253 (2011).