73. Luminescent coverglass for improved absorption efficiency in III–V photovoltaic modules
W. I. Nam+, E. K. Kang+, H. G. Park, D.-H. Jun, and Y. M. Song
Electron. Lett. 52, 1891 (2016).

72. Ferromagnetic, Folded Electrode Composite as a Soft Interface to the Skin for Long-Term Electrophysiological Recording
K. I. Jang+, H. N. Jung+, J. W. Lee, S. Xu, Y. H. Liu, Y. Ma, J.-W. Jeong, Y. M. Song, J. Kim, B. H. Kim, A. Banks, J. W. Kwak, Y. Yang, D. Shi, Z. Wei, X. Feng, U. Paik, Y. Huang, R. Ghaffari, and J. A. Rogers*
Adv. Funt. Mater. 26, 7281 (2016). (JCR 5%)

71. Shape-controllable, bottom-up fabrication of microlens using oblique angle deposition
H. J. Choi, E. K. Kang, G. W. Ju, Y. M. Song, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Lett. 41, 3328 (2016).

70. Geometrical shape design of nanophotonic surfaces for thin film solar cells
W. I. Nam+, Y. J. Yoo+, and Y. M. Song*
Opt. Express. 24, A1033 (2016).

69. 4 channel × 10 Gb/s bidirectional optical subassembly using silicon optical bench with precise passive optical alignment
E. K. Kang, Y. W. Lee, S. Ravindran, J. K. Lee, H. J. Choi, G. W. Ju, J. W. Min, Y. M. Song, I. B. Sohn, and Y. T. Lee*
Opt. Express. 24, 10777 (2016).

68. Theoretical analysis and experiment of subwavelength structure-integrated red AlGaInP light-emitting diodes for uniform field distribution and enhanced light extraction efficiency
G. J. Lee and Y. M. Song*
AIP Adv. 6, 035104 (2016).

67. COMPU-EYE: a high resolution computational compound eye
W. B. Lee, H. C. Jang, S. J. Park, Y. M. Song, and H. N. Lee*
Opt. Express 24, 2013 (2016).

66. Design of ZnO hollow nanosphere arrays for UV absorbing transparent glasses
Y. J. Yoo+, K. S. Chang+, and Y. M. Song
Opt. Quant. Electron. 48, 88 (2016).